[aMess - a Messaging Program]


a Messaging Program

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Data Storage

The data storage module is an abstraction presented to the core module (or anyone interfacing with it) to manage the storage of any persistent data storage. This point must be emphasized, mainly because all volatile info would be stored in memory storage (accessed through variables), and not through the Data Storage. Albeith the generic name is retained for simplicity, and because in a future implementation volatile info could be accessed also through this module (this could be very useful for data that must be encrypted).

To allow a generic use of this interface (and that allows the storage in any media) in a consistent way across any storage access method (plain text files, relational databases, etc.), hidding the implementation details to the core.

First sight

The actions that all storage allow us to do are reading data from it and writing into it. Additionally there's security considerations to do, such as context creation (authentication), internal data structure preparation, and so on.

Based on these generic assumptions, the next methods will be used:

Additionally the storage will be separated into distinct storage classes, each one representing a conceptually different stored data but that could be implemented in the same media. Examples of these are configuration data, profile data and e-mails.
[aMess documentation]


a Messaging program