[TRex documentation]

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TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv - message retrieval internal API


    use TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv;


This documentation is about the internal TRex API for messaging protocols implementers, and TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv is the reference implementation just for the ones that hadle messages receiving (truly TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv is used when no receive protocol is specified when using TRex::SendRecv, the send and receive messages API).

This one allows to extend TRex sending/receiving capabilities to any protocol without modifying TRex core code.

First sight

Each messaging protocol, basically, needs an initialization (new) followed by message sending (send) and finally protocol ending (close). Based on these generic assumptions, the methods names to be used are the ones enclosed in parenthesis : new(), send() and close().

Returned values

A note, before starting with the methods, is that all methods return a non-zero value to signal an error, and zero when the operation was successful.

The non-zero value, indicating an error, varies for each method except for the value ``1''. When this is returned, it means that an ``unspecified error'' has occured. This is also used when an error has occurred, and it has not corresponding error number assigned or belongs to an internal one.



This is the constructor, and returns a new handler. A value ``undef'' is returned in case a constructor founds problems. The values passed are the host name ($hostname) and hash parameters

Usage :

  use TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv;
  my $handler = TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv->new( $hostName, 
                                               Timeout => 100,
                                               Port => 666,
                                               Error => \$errorString );
  die "Crashhhh in new(), Error --> $errorString !!!\n"
      if ( ! defined $handler );

As you can see some parameters can be passed to new(). This one is a list of them, and all are optional :


Retreves the service capabilities as a string, whose format is defined as follows (adapted from IMAP protocol, RFC3501) :

The CAPABILITY response occurs as a result of a CAPABILITY command. The capability listing contains a space-separated listing of capability names that the server supports.

A capability name which begins with ``AUTH='' indicates that the server supports that particular authentication mechanism :

The supported capabilities by TRex core are :

The calling party (TRex::Sendecv) WILL ignore any unknown capability names.


Usage :

  use TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv;
  my $cap = $handler->capabilities();
  die "Crashhhh in capabilities(), Error --> $errorString !!!\n"
      if ( ! $cap );


Retreves messages for the passed credentials via auth(). The values passed are the host name ($hostname) and hash parameters

Usage :

  use TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv;
  my $handler = TRex::SendRecv::nullRecv->new( \$messageText, 
                                               From => 'victor@my.domain',
                                               To => 'myself@home.domain',
                                               Cc => 'eugenia@her.domain',
                                               Bcc => 'none@nowhere' );
  die "Crashhhh in new(), Error --> $errorString !!!\n"
      if ( ! defined $handler );

[TRex documentation]

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